Tracking Customer Engagement

The system can be configured to track customer engagement by assigning a score based on their level of system engagement. 

To enable,

  1. Navigate to the Customers App > Setup feature.
  2. Select the Score menu option.
  3. Click the Add New Score Rule button.
  4. In the Add Scoring Rule form:
    1. Via the global lookup, locate the Engagement Type with which the score should be connected.  At this time, options include Committee Participation or Product Purchase.
    2. Submit any other data required by the engagement type selected.
    3. Click Save.

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Engagement Type Options

Committee Participation is simply whether an individual is part of a committee. The score remains on their Individual Record under their committee membership ends.

For Product Purchase, stall must specify the Product that this score should apply to.

  • Enter the Quantity Score—this value awards additional points the more of a product is purchased.
    For example, if the quantity score is “1” and someone purchases 5, their quantity score total will be 5. If the quantity score is “2” and someone purchases 5, their quantity score total will be 10.
  • Enter the Amount Score—this value awards points based on the cash value spent on the product.
    For example, if the amount score is “0.5” and someone spends $100 on the product, the total amount score awarded by that transaction will be 50. If the amount score is 2 and $100 is spent on the product, the total amount score awarded will be 200.
  • Specify how long the score should be valid after the product is purchased in the Valid for Weeks field. At the end of that period, the customer’s total score will be reduced by the amount earned from that instance of product purchase.
  • Choose when the score should go into effect in the Effective When field:
    • On Order Creation
    • On Invoice Creation
  • Click Save.

When a client meets the requirements configured to earn the score, it will appear on their Customer Record > Overview tab, as Score.  This also indicates whether their score has been raised recently and gives the option to refresh to the latest score.

This score displays only for staff users.  The score is updated on a weekly basis, but scores can be manually updated via the Customer Record > Overview tab, by clicking the refresh icon next to the customer’s score.

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